PJSC Sberbank is Russia’s largest bank and a leading global financial institution. Holding almost one-third of aggregate Russian banking sector assets, Sberbank is the key lender to the national economy and one of the biggest deposit takers in Russia. The Government of the Russian Federation represented by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation is the principal shareholder of PJSC Sberbank owning 50% plus one voting share of the bank’s authorized capital, with the remaining 50% minus one voting share held by domestic and international investors. It holds general banking license No. 1481 dd. August 11, 2015, from the Bank of Russia.

Official websites of the bank:
www.sberbank.com (Sberbank Group website), www.sberbank.ru
General Partner
"With the rapid digitalization of society and the development of technology, we are witnessing a tremendous growth in cyber fraud, committed, among other things, using artificial intelligence technologies.

Sber, as one of the leading technology companies, is adapting to these changes and developing effective tools to combat cyber fraud.

These tools actively use artificial intelligence technologies - from classical gradient bousting and clustering models to SoTA approaches based on Deep Learning (Transformers, graph embeddings, etc.).

We have already developed and applied dozens of
A/models of different types. We are successfully coping with the challenges we face and are ready to share our experience with the conference participants, talk about the methods of work and technologies we use."
Sergei Vasilyevich
Vice President for Cybersecurity
PJSC Sberbank
Autonomous non-profit organization
"Center for Legal Studies and International Communications"

The official Telegram channel
of the Conference
